🍎 Back to School: Earn Bitcoin Rewards on Electronics

Plug into the biggest bitcoin back deals on the best tech for school!

With the integration of tech into education, finding electronics that will help the students in your life learn the best is essential for their education.

To help you power up big bitcoin rewards while buying headphones, computers, and more electronic essentials for the students in your life, we have rounded up the best electronics from some of the best brands on Lolli.

Read on for our favorite ways to earn up to 6% in bitcoin back on electronics for school!

A Camera from Adorama - Up to 3.5% back

Say free bitcoin!

The photo-taking opportunities while in college or school are endless, just like the bitcoin rewards you can earn while shopping at Adorama.

Allow your student to capture some of the best moments in their life to look back on forever.

Robot Vacuums from iRobot - Up to 3% back

In college dorm rooms, dirt works hard to accumulate in pesky places.

Luckily for your college student, the robot vacuums at iRobot work even harder.

Having a vacuum that will leave your student’s dorm room sparkling without too much work is essential for busy students that are always on the go.

A Computer from QVC - Up to 4.5% back

A computer is one of the most essential items a student can have.

From writing papers and homework to playing computer games with friends during free blocks of time, having a high quality and fast computer is essential.

The computers from QVC are the perfect computers to rise up to the challenge of supporting hard working students!

Speakers and Headphones from Sonos - Up to 3.5% back

Who says students can’t spice up studying with a little dancing to music?

The speakers and headphones from Sonos are the perfect items to tune out distractions and get into the groove of schoolwork, making them essential for students that have trouble focusing (or just could use a study break).

Never skip a beat with the speakers and headphones from Sonos.

Calculators from Office Depot - Up to 3% back

Calculators from Office Depot + free bitcoin = the ultimate back to school szn preparation.

You know better than anyone that your student can do anything they put their mind to. Help your student solve any vexing math problem that comes their way with the high quality calculators from Office Depot.

Set your student up for success by buying them a brand new calculator from Office Depot!

Portable Chargers from Anker - Up to 6% back

Nothing is worse for a student than a laptop or phone that is drained of battery.

Thanks to the portable chargers from Anker, your student can boost their devices with charge while you can boost your wallets with sats.

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