Introducing... Lolli's Monday Meme Review! πŸ“±πŸ­

Lolli is Rating the Best Bitcoin Memes Every Week on Instagram!

(first, you need to be following Lolli's Instagram account @lolliapp. you may do so now).

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Officially introducing...

Every week, Lolli will showcase the industry's top bitcoin memes circulating the internet on its stories page, ranked out of five lollipops, five being the best!  🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭

Kick-off your week the right way! Watch our Instagram stories every Monday morning for the most hilarious memes submitted by the bitcoin community!

Are you a meme expert?

Do you share hilarious GIFS and content with your friends all the time? Well... share it with us! Send us your best memes and you could be featured on Monday Meme Review for the following week. πŸ’―

Email our meme team at β€” memes [at] lolli [dot] com with your πŸ”₯memes + social media handles and you could see yourself on Meme Review! Plus we will send extra sats in your Lolli wallet to our favorite memes of the week. πŸ™Œ

Make sure you're following Lolli's Instagram so you don't miss a meme! 😊

Aubrey & The Lolli Team

*Disclosure: Must have a Lolli account to participate in Meme Review Monday.