We are Celebrating All Week! Here’s What you Need to Know...
Lolli will celebrate its first birthday Thursday, August 22nd!
We can hardly believe it's already been a year. Time flies when you’re stacking sats!
Due to the enormous amount of support we’ve received from our users, Lolli has been able to grow incredibly rapidly this past year. We’ve established nearly 1,000 partnerships including major retailers such as Hotels.com, Sephora, and Caviar, strengthening our mission of bringing bitcoin to the masses. Our success would not have been possible without users like you who voted with your dollars by shopping from our partners and for those who shared Lolli with family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors.
This week is about YOU! So, in return for your loyalty and endless support, we’ve decided to use this week to say ‘thank you’!
Throughout the course of this week, we will be providing the Lolli community with opportunities to earn lots of free bitcoin and help us celebrate our Lolli-versary the right way!
How to prepare for Lolli’s birthday week:
- Make sure you’re following us on Twitter @trylolli so you don’t miss out on a week full of surprises and new partnership announcements!
- Attend a local Lolli Birthday Party by RSVPing to a meet-up nearest you!
- Tag our handle @trylolli and use hashtags #Lolliversary #LolliTurnsOne and #HappyBirthdayLolli when tweeting for a chance to stack some extra sats!
Again, we are immensely grateful to have such a supportive community of loyal stackers, and truly couldn’t have done this first year without you.
To many more years of happy stacking,
Alex, Matt, and the Lolli Team 🎂